Product description
Backer sponge rods are ideal,compressible and flexible backup PU/polyether polyethylene/PE/EVA/EPE/EPDM/Silicone/TPR foam products that are used to fill gap joints. People often use mortar, sealant or chinking around them to finish filling and create an airtight and watertight seal. They are non-absorbent and will resist oil, gasoline and most other sealants. They are compatible with most cold-applied sealants. Backer rods are used in building,construction, tiling, flooring, decorative wall paneling, window sealing, stonework and counter steps.

PU/polyether polyethylene/PE/EVA/EPE/EPDM/Silicone/TPR material is Non-toxic ,non smell,safe and Eco-friendly
it is very useful for people playing in water PU/polyether polyethylene/PE/EVA/EPE/EPDM/Silicone/TPR noodle is lighter,floating
on the water and environment-friendly. our product has closed structure, low cost and light weight,
already widely used as building gap,swimming toys. Over the years, we have won consumer trust and favourites.
PU /polyethylene epe foam rod used for protecting the plastic and the steel pipe.
It is the heat insulating material.
EVA/EPE/EPDM/Silicone/TPR foam rod,Foam tube
1.Water log swimming pool noodle indestructible and versatile.
3.Float on water,play games with them.
1. Tasteless and non-toxic
2. Light weight, good flexibility and cushioning
3. Low thermal conductivity and superior heat insulation
4. Outstanding waterproof and anti-corrupt capability
5. Thickness and size can reach customers' requirements
6. Customized printing available
PU/EVA/EPE/TPR foam stick is widely used in building spring mattress, sofa stem and edge, automobile seat,
sofa back rest and top-grade clothing.
Flexible, compressible, chemically inert, non-absorbent, environmentally friendly
Control sealant depth.
Eliminate three-sided joint adhesion failure.
Improve the appearance, accuracy, firmness and durability.
Create a backstop.
Save time and cost.
Used as temporary seal.
Building construction,Windows and Doors Square rectangular shape foam backer rod / Backing rod for pavement gap filling joints
Expansion Joints Square rectangular shape foam backer rod / Backing rod for pavement joints
Curtain wall joints
Log Construction - behind chinking mortar Square rectangular shape foam backer rod / Backing rod
Precast units and copings
Used in the construction of homes, sidewalks and masonry, backer rod, also known as expansion joint filler, increases the performance of every application it is used in. Because of changes in ground angle, weight distribution, weather and its relative inflexibility, concrete is often divided into tiles or sections to cover an entire area. Between these tiles are small crevasses or joints that allow room for the concrete to contract, expand, shift and settle. Left open and uncovered however, moisture will get into the concrete movement joints and slowly fracture and damage the structure. The answer to this is to fill the joint with flexible, waterproof sealant. This is where expansion joint foam steps in. Backer rod is a strip of foam, often cylindrical, that is inserted between joints before caulk or sealant is applied. The inclusion of expansion joint filler material does not allow sealant to form a three-point bond to the slabs and base surface, maintaining flexibility and preventing damage to the substrate. Foam Factory, Inc. stocks this essential building material in a variety of diameters and roll lengths for completing any project, large or small.
Swimming noodle for water fun
Protect steal rod
Installation Guides
Proper size selection is important, as it controls the depth of the sealant bead.It must be oversized(20-50%) to fit tightly into the joint, and function as a bondbreaker to prevent bottom-side adhesion of the sealant.